Why Choose FinHolo?

Our virtual CFOs help business owners like you find out: where your business is heading, how
you compare to your industry, whether your bank still considers you bankable, why cash flow is
still tight when your business is doing well. These are foundational questions for effective

Our Mission

FinHolo empowers business owners to build more bankable and sellable companies that improve the lives of all stakeholders.

Our Vision

Our clients will meet their professional goals and personal dreams by becoming
catalysts for good in their marketplaces and communities. We see our clients generating
more wealth, creating better jobs, and spreading more wellbeing in their spheres of influence than they could before our partnership.

Meet Our Founder

Hi, I’m Linda Heath, Founder and CEO of Financial Holographix Inc. – FinHolo.  My 40+ years of experience spans commercial lending, business analysis, planning, management, and consulting. I’ve co-owned and managed two companies in diverse industries, developed analytical tools, and provided financial education to bankers and borrowers. While business ownership has been my greatest challenge, it has also been my most valuable experience.

I launched Financial Holographix in 2007 to level the playing field. Forty years ago, bankers believed, “A good deal for the bank must also be good for the client.”  Through the years I was disturbed by the poor accounting methods used in loan packages.  But banks have software to decipher the potential and risk for their benefit.  As the Great Recession took hold, it was clear the burden had shifted to borrowers to fully understand their deals.  In the aftermath of foreclosures, I saw the devastating human impact of financial consequences in deteriorated tax returns, personal financial statements and lost jobs.  Many of these consequences were preventable.  I have retired from banking to champion the cause of private enterprise and help business owners build thriving and resilient companies.

Today, we’re evolving from a traditional consulting practice to a virtual CFO model with the support of Startup Virginia. I’m building a team of specialists and we’re bringing financial expertise and entrepreneurial insight directly to you.  The virtual, cloud-based model makes CFO expertise affordable for small-medium enterprises.

Ready to speak
with someone who cares about you?